Friday, March 27, 2009

We Care for Common Man of Pakistan

Friday's suicide attack in Pakistan's Khaibar has claimed at least 80 lives and left several others injured.

Khaibar is a region dominated by terror group Taliban.

The Pakistan government has already surrendered to the growing influence of Taliban as shown by the agreement it signed with religious hard liners earlier this month to impose Shariat law in Swat Valley, Khaibar and tribal regions along Pak-Afghanistan border.

Friday's suicide bombing underlines the fact again that the common man of Pakistan has been facing threat to his life and future like never before in the particular region.

As the Pakistan government is already paralized following political and social reasons, can we expect some measures from the US and international community -- the so-called protectors of world-- to ensure safety of the ordinary Pakistanis now?

We can always blame Pakistan for creating safe havens for the terror groups in its territory, which have posed great threat to the world community (which was quite evident from last year's Mumbai terror attack).

But blame-games can be great when things are congenial and stomachs not empty. The recent situation, however, demands action.

1 comment:

Samod said...

but if pakis are so threatened why not they throw out their mad mullahs, idiotic politicians and crazy generals. Why should India or for that matter the world suffer because of them and it is not just me who is ranting. Remember Mamma Madeline Albright who said Pakistan is an international migraine.